Evaluation - Question 4

Question 4

When making my film i used many different types of technology. To plan my film I used blogger.com in order to show my work and show my developmental stages. I used this to keep a record of everything I had done so far. I also used emails and telephones in order to keep in touch with cast and crew and in order to organise auditions and rehearsals. We also used digital cameras in order to take pictures of what we were doing so we could put it onto our blog. Blogger was the only new technology to me in the construction stage however I found it quite easy to use. I managed to put a background on my blog representing the genre of my film, Mock Horror. In research, the internet played a big part in the technologies i used as i gained a lot from it. The internet was used in order to research other films similar to my own as well as researching cinematography. I also used my blog in the research stage as i posted all my research onto this. When constructing my film the main technologies I used was the camera, sound equipment and editing software. Although I did not use the camera or the sound equipment as I had the role of continuity, i did spend a lot of time using the editing software. This was new to me, therefore took some getting used to, however, once I had used it a few times it became clear to me how to use it. While editing we noticed a mistake made in the camera, there was a jump in the scene on the field however, there was nothing we could do about it. In the evaluation stages of my film i used the internet in order to research marketing.


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