Film posters that inspire my own film poster

I chose the film poster of 'Son of Rambo' to look at for inspiration for my own film poster as I get the same feel from this poster as i would like my own poster to have. I like the fact the boy is in the foreground in a silly costume with goggles and a 'weapon'. This immediately tells me that this is an immature, young, foolish boy who believes he can 'fight' and take things on by himself. His funny costume creates comedy and shows the gullable, stupidity of him. This is exactly how i would like Rodney to be portrayed in our own poster. I would like him too to be in the foreground with his garlic necklace and carrot stake. This gives the same impression, however, with a halloween edge. I would like my film to be thought of as 'Son of Rambo' -Halloween Style!
I would use more blacks and oranges in my film to portray the theme of mock horror and halloween for kids.

I also found inspiration in the film poster for Mock horror 'Hocus Pocus'. From watching the film i know that this film is very 'halloweeny' and spooky but it is intended for children and young people. From the poster i can tell this straight away from the colours used (black and purple). What also caught my eye in this poster is the black background and purple border around the edge. I had previously had an idea to use this in my own film poster, however, i wanted to make the purple border misty and smokey to create mystery as well as showing the target audience of children. This is something i will take into consideration when i do my film poster as i think it works well as proved in the film poster of 'Hocus pocus'. We can also tell from this poster that the 3 main characters in the main image are evil but in a light way. For example, it is evil on a childrens level. Their quirky, posed facial exporessions also give away some humour behind the characters which is how i feel Mr Vamping should be portrayed in my poster.

I liked the eyes on the book cover for 'The Demon Headmaster' as it gives a freaky, spooky feeling when you see it. I would like to use this idea for Mr Vamping as i feel having his eyes on the top of the poster would be very effective if teamed with some comedy too.


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