Final 3 film posters

Rodney and the Vampire

This is the finished version of my film 'Rodney and the vampire'. Making the film was a great experience in which i learnt a lot about the world of filming and appreciated just how much effort it takes to make a short film. From this project i learnt the importance of organisation as well as working together as a team in order to make something good. This project has also taught me how to combine different ideas and consider everyones point of view. I was very happy with the title sequance i made and thought it represented the genre of the film very film also attracting the target audience. I think i have progressed from my AS title sequance to my A2 film in a number of ways learning alot on the way, for example i could sort problems out before they occured as i could see them coming. We also learnt to think outside the box when problem solving and being creative. For a more detailed evalutation please see the labels 'Evlauation'. Thankyou.
